Sunday, November 30, 2008 @ 2:05 PM ♥
Hello everyone! Haha our tagboard is so alive but the blog posts are kinda DEAD! SO i'm here to upDATE! Yay!!~~~Firstly,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DINNIE AND GING!:D:D:D)))<333 Secondly, remember to bring your cameras for class outing so that we can take photos and post on the class blog~~~~ Thirdly, I heard that there are 38 saga trees at East Coast Park so when we have our outing maybe we can go and pick saga seeds:D Haha ok I know I'm super lame but I think saga seeds are nice. Like you can keep them in bottles and give as christmas gifts or sth;D Yups ok. Happy Hols~!;D
Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 3:08 PM ♥
we're still in need of the following items for class outing:
1.BBQ Grill
4.Tongs (2 pairs)
5.Trash bags
7.Any other types of DRINKS or BALL GAMES
besides chrysanthemum tea & soccer ball.
Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 11:20 PM ♥
Oh no, sorry for that!
It's actually not confirmed whether Wee Yen Jean is going into NYGH or RGS.
From, it's mentioned that: "...Yen Jean, who has been offered a place at Raffles Girls' School.
She told AsiaOne that she will most likely accept the offer."
Oh well, then.
Dinnie (:
[edit] Oh, she's really going into RGS. As I quote from, "Both Yen Jean and Yi Xuan will receive their secondary education at Raffles Girls' School."
Furthermore, she's a debater!!!! O:
"Madam Heng, the principal of Nanyang Primary School, told AsiaOne that
the school's top debater's winning formula was her consistency in her work." Sigh, if she actually goes to Nanyang, she'll be in 113
Oh, well. Bye. [/edit]
@ 10:59 PM ♥
HI 113.
TOP NEWS TOP NEWS!!!!!!!!!!Okay, as you all probably already know, Top Scorer in PSLE 2008 is Jean, from Nanyang Primary School, with an aggregate score of 287.
Apparently, she has DSA-ed to Nanyang Girls' High School. And, since she's in Gifted Education Programme, most probably she'll be in Seconday
Thus, she'll be our DIRECT JUNIOR! Hahahahah! Okay, yeap that's it for the 'news'.
Seeya guys soon! xD
Dinnie :D
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 9:40 PM ♥
okay 113,
if anyone can bring TRASH BAGs and SPARKLERS during class outing, please volunteer.
p/s. everyone please throw tomatoes at moony for making me do her job! >D
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 2:52 PM ♥
@ 10:15 AM ♥
hello 113 again! (:
okay for the
Class Outing on 12.12, would anyone LOVE to bring a few food-items and such?
Here's a list of the things needed;
- BBQ grill
- aluminium foil
- firestarter
- charcoal
- marshies-mallows!
- tongs (2 pairs)
- lighter
- matches
- CHOCOLATE SAUCE (bring the hershley's one, dom!)
- balls (for ball games, ie. basketball, soccerball)
- drinks (you may want to suggest a few types of soft drinks-no COKE/PEPSI please, it's suspected to be cancerous! :X)
yeah that's all, but if there's more you wish to suggest, feel free to do so! :D
it's best if you can bring some of the above items if you have any at home. those who wish to sponsor please email me (:
thank you!
p/s. i think someone asked about the amount of money to be brought on that day-it's still tentative because we're not sure how many items above we have, so no one has some of the items we may have to buy them yeah.
but for now I suppose you can bring about at least $10 (tentative) each, enough for your own expenditure and to pay for the food and booking fees of the BBQ pit :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008 @ 6:47 PM ♥
hello 113 :Dthis is just a reminder, for those who will be going for the class outing:Please remember to bring enough money on that day! We will be paying moony the total sum for the barbeque bookings and food orders on that day itself, so be sure to have enough money. And also, in case there's wet weather and we're gonna go shopping or something, have some money to buy things if you want to. Or take neoprints!Unless you want to miss the happy shopping! Or do window shopping xDgaogep/s. For the $4 each of you contributed for C&D fundraising, it will be refunded next year. The school will give each class a reimbursement of $100, which is enough to refund the $4 you paid (: The leftovers will be paid to those who wish to claim the items they bought, or else brought forward to next year's class fund. Remember to keep your receipts if you still want to reclaim your items!
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 5:57 PM ♥
Hello I'm here to revive :D
Anyway, I've decided that I'd abandon my MasterPlan '08, since 5 very very very very very busy people are too tied up and hence unable to fork out the time to enlighten me about their marks. But never mind, I've taken it in my stride, and thus the easiest way out is to abolish/abandon it. Yup. (;
Okay, and so this may be a little unfair to those who HAVE given me their marks. Hence, if you want to see the MasterPlan, then please feel free to email me and I'll send it over to you asap. However, I regret to inform that
accuracy is NOT guaranteed because what I have on my hands is only the ranking of 18 souls, and not the full 23. Please bear with it.
That's all for now. Have fun during your holidays!
Oh wait, I forgot something. Well, please be reminded that there'll be an
American Math Competition on
18th Nov, Tuesday from
9 am to 9:40 am, at Lecture Theatre 1/2? If you've signed up and paid for it, kindly turn up in hongzi punctually. See you soon!
Dinnie :D
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 10:15 PM ♥
hey people!
C&D WAS A BLAST, NO YES?fundraising was not bad.
total amount raised:
$284.60amount that could have been raised: $308 (extra cups of bubble tea (:)
haha i think the difference must have been caused by the marshmallows we snacked on (:
its such a great thing this year's last activity is a success. haha i feel HAPPYY.
on the side note, i'd just like to thank everyone in 113 for dealing with my stupid crappiness and fluctuating mood. there were its ups and downs, but overall this has been a really great year for me, and i hope it is for you too. we have another year ahead, so let's make 09 a better year for everyone! :D
can everyone email or sms me asap about whether you are able to make it for 12 december? cause we still have to book a bbq pit soon. hopefully state if you can stay for the bbq as well. thanks. if there is too little people staying for the bbq (say less than 10) then maybe it won't be carried out.
Saturday, November 8, 2008 @ 4:19 PM ♥

erm.... it's supposed to be yellow~ i have no idea wat happen but anyway...
hehe... here's is the fund-raising poster!!!.
all the yellow should be blue and all the blue should be yellow...
from what i see...
sorry i did it in a rush~~~
pls give constructive comments before erm...
let's say tomo... sorry i have something on after tonight
so cannot edit yet
moony i will send u one...
i dun have color printer.
i am not sure eh.
dunno how u can print one that is bigger than A4...
oh hoho...
GOOD JOB everyone!!!!
for C&D of course!!!
mrs.moyashi... u shld know who i am...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 7:56 PM ♥
LIBRARY CSP + C&D night stuff
Hello everyone! Haha.
Oh everyone who haven't gotten the yuedubaogao thing from me (yes there is one. and only ONE. so don't take 2!), come hack at me before/during/after dress rehearsals on Friday for it okay! Alternatively I can scan it and send to everyone but I don't think you want to print it out yourselves XDD Yeah so REMIND ME! (You guys should know about my memory by now -.-)
The first part is for those of us who want to start doing CSP in the libraries during the holidays!
(Um for this part whenever I use the word "register" I mean for an account. When I use "sign up" I mean for the activities + events.)
For those who haven't signed up for any events yet, YOU MAY SERIOUSLY WANT TO
START SIGNING UP. Yes it's really through your volunteer account. Look under the tab Opportunities (it's the 2nd tab just under the 'banner' thing xD) Then after that just search by the branch that you want to do your CSP in!
A lot of the roles have been taken up already
including shelving (in JRL at least that is.) So really
HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!
Oh and for those who haven't registered for an account yet,
do so ASAP. I'm not sure how many more positions are still open. But really there aren't many left.
So yeah... GO SIGN UP :DD
URL for reference -again- xD: If you register the reply should come in about 1-2 days and if you sign up for an event the confirmation email will come by the end of the day (I think. At least that's according to my experiences.).
Oh and you can always change stuff (e.g. timings, whether you want to go for the event or not) after you've signed up for it so no worries :D
Another edit XDD
I realise I should post something about C&D night before I forget -.- Haha. This is kind of what Lan laoshi told us today, so yeah, kind of like a 'reminder'. Haha.
So we are supposed to report on Friday BEFORE 8am! I'd suggest setting the target time to reach school as 7.40am or so because you never know about the traffic xD
Stuff that needs to be done before 8am:
- get all props ready.
- change into costumes! (the 'students' can just wear class tee + skirt to school but the 'mothers' + 'teacher' has to change in school :P And the 'daughters', uh follow whatever you usually do? XDD Haha.)
Um we aren't supposed to move the props backstage yet, (I think) we are supposed to go for some briefing in the audi
with our props. Haha so yeah...
And then I forgot what's supposed to happen. .___________. I think it's basically a run-through of the entire show. Instructions will be given?
Oh we can't leave after our performance! (Both during rehearsal and actual performance.) We have to wait for debrief or whatever it is (I think) XDD
So anyway the dress rehearsal ends at 1pm (with some debrief I think). We'll be assigned our dressing room + know when is our performance. (Oh someone has to sms lanls to tell her our room because I think she said she wanted to look at our makeup. Haha.)
Then we have to come back by 5pm! We have to eat lunch + dinner before we come back! (If you choose to bring back dinner to eat in school I think you'll have to eat outside the audi... because eating is really NOT allowed in the audi, including backstage + dressing rooms. The teachers may scold us if we eat inside so yeah, better not.) And we'll need to put on make-up then! (Really everyone has to. Unless you want to look like a ghost on stage XD (that sentence came from my seniors XDD) Yups.)
Another briefing at 6pm...
House opens at 6.45 (right?) and the show starts at 7pm! We are 2nd to perform (for now) if anyone doesn't know(: Haha. We should do a warm-up round (run through the skit once first) before we perform. Oh when we are at backstage (at the wings) must remember:
- don't talk unless it's related to the perf (like you can't find your prop/can't remember your line etc.) It'll affect the audibility (is it spelled this way O.O) of the lines being said on stage. So yeah don't talk!
- make sure the curtains are closed + don't peek through the curtains!!!! there's going to be lights on at the wings (I think) and it's going to be super obvious if the curtains are open because the light will seep through and you'll see blue light on the stage especially when it's supposed to be lights out/spotlight on only and it'll look very weird XDD Haha.
- you know there are doors leading to backstage from the wings right! When you go from one end of the stage to the other and you open the doors, PLEASE CLOSE THEM GENTLY. They'll bang REALLY loudly if you don't close them behind you. And the audience can hear it. Anyway it's kind of annoying to hear doors banging loudly anyway so just close them behind you XDD
Actually there'll be people backstage reminding us about the above 3 points but well, might as well as know first XDD Haha.
After the performance: I think we need to go back to our dressing room and wait? I think we need to clear up the room and pack up and stuff. I'm not sure if we can go and watch the other performances... Anyway the dressing room needs to be cleared! Or else the people doing backstage duty will have to clear it for us in the end and we may not be able to find our stuff...
Oh and try to keep the dressing room neat + organised from the start! It's very easy to lose stuff in the dressing room, especially make up and small props. so yeah...
After all the performance there'll be a debrief! It's ending around 10pm, if I'm not wrong? Maybe closer to 11. So um mentally prepare your parents XDD
Okay this is about the end of the long lecture from a Chinese Drama person trying to act knowledgeable about theatre -.- XDD Haha. Anyway don't forget to bring costumes + your own make-up on Friday!!!!! (Props are all in the room so it should be alright... right? Haha.) Drink plenty of water and avoid food that may upset your throat XDD Okay I shall stop here before you get irritated (which I think you are already -.-)
@ 7:16 PM ♥
hm... i feel busy (:
ok anyway, class outing!
i have no idea what date you want it to be, considering the fact that very very very little people actually voted -.-
i would like to know who is able to make it on the 12 december? its a friday. timing is very possible from 1p.m. (don't worry. if you have to, be late) to about 9p.m. and we'd be bbq-ing so i dont think the time is too late, considering clearing up and the starting of the fire in the first place.
at the very very least half of the class has to come! T.T if not what's the point, really?
we do not encourage you to pon cca, however ><
im me. if not
offline im me. or
tag on the tagboard. or if you wanna go through all the fuss with email,
email! or er...
post here or something.
oh yeah. and who can't ride bikes?
@ 6:29 PM ♥
I need replies from:
Shi Hui.
Boon Hui.
Fang Yi.
Yan Hong.
Please hurry up and stop ignoring me. Yeah, go reply
now. Thanks.
You-know-who-I-am. >:(
@ 9:18 AM ♥
Hello people :D
It's Gin here! Anyway, can those in the makeup team email me 'cause I really can't remember who's in it :D
With Loves,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008 @ 10:29 PM ♥
hey. i just want to know
who's gonna be crashing at my house on friday? cause i think a lot of people are thinking of going shopping right? or er.. going to the library to check out csp.
i may be going library too, so i dunno eh :/
p.s. someone POST! :D
@ 9:23 PM ♥
Class Outing dates :D
For people who are lazy to scroll down to find the class outing dates (like me XDD), the dates are here:
Wed, 5/11 (um. tomorrow?!); Friday, 14/11; Tuesday, 25/11; Thursday, 27/11; Friday, 12/12; Monday, 15/12; Monday, 22/12; Wednesday, 24/12 (yay we shall celebrate Christmas Eve together XDD
and exchange presents); Friday, 26/12.
So yes let's vote :D Haha.
Oh are we going shopping for cosmetics tomorrow as a class? XDD (I want! And pon 3rd lang XD)
OH and those who want to start CSP during holidays, go and sign-up soon okay! I went to ask the person at JRL today and he said we have to sign up for the events by ourselves (?!) via our volunteer account O.O I don't know... maybe we need to try talking to someone again?
Anyway the URL for sign-up is and click on the New Volunteer Sign-up at the left of the page :DD
Okay I forgot what I want to say. XDD
Last rehearsal before Dress Rehearsal tomorrow! We can do a good job! :DDDD
Monday, November 3, 2008 @ 9:20 PM ♥
hey yos!
(: class outing
so.. uh... voting?
vote on the tagboard i guess... -jab- the dates are below. -jabjab-
nothing else right?
@ 6:46 PM ♥
Do go and tag kay! :D
With Loves,
Gin ♥
@ 12:09 AM ♥
Hello 113, it's me again :D
I read and re-read the previous post, and I realised that it's complete and utter crap. But that doesn't mean you can ignore it (: Anyway, glad I got some responses! However, it's certainly not enough.
Thanks to those who replied, or whom I already know:
1) Ang Jie
2) Chia Ying
3) Dinnie :/
4) Gao Ge
5) Jia Min
6) Lucy
7) Melissa
8) Gin
9) Chun Zi
10) Yu Han
You see that that's less than half the class. Boooo. So if you name ain't up there, I suppose you know what you ought to do. Or perhaps, if I should put it more explicitly, these are the people who owe me a response! -
1) Vanessa (I need confirmation. Refer to email)
2) Hsiu Yee (You went offline halfway when you were going to tell me your marks..?)
3) Daphne (I need your SC and CH marks)
4) Xin Yi (I need basically all your subjects ._.)
5) Shi Hui (Same to you)
6) Jia Ying (I need your LA, SC and CH marks)
7) Hui Ling (I need your SC and CH marks)
8) Yu Lin (Refer to #4)
9) Fang Yi (Refer to #4)
10) Dom (I need your CL and SC marks)
11) Xue Di (I need your CL and CH marks)
12) Yan Hong (I need your LA, SC and CH marks)
Kindly reply by latest this Wed, 5th Nov. Hope it doesn't cause too much inconvenience.
Thanks a million!
Dinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnie :D
Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 7:57 PM ♥
Hi 113! :D
For some reason or another, I have lost my MasterPlan which was almost materialising.
Thusly, I need
ALL of you to reply me again! With the exception of those who just replied, such as Jia Min, Chun Zi and Gao Ge.
Hence, if your name isn't up there, you know what you have to do.
I know I've been saying it many many times. But really, what's the point if no one takes my word seriously for it? I've done basically all I could by emailing time and time again, and even smsing every single one of you. But I barely get replies.
I'm thankful to those who have taken the time out to reply with the scores, but for the rest, I really hope you can just stop hiding once and for all, and just be out with it. You may not know, and you probably won't know, how important this whole masterplan thing is to me, and I really, really need it, all completed and well done.
I sincerely wish that taking a couple of minutes to reply my email isn't going to cause excessive damage to you or anything disastrous of that sort. Therefore, I honestly do not want to be disappointed by you all for so many times. You all, my classmates. You all - one thirteeners.
I don't know why I'm taking this kind of tone in the
class blog. Regardless, I hope my point can be put across clearly, and I strongly believe that all my and your efforts will NOT come to naught.
Please, don't prove me wrong.
I know all of you out there who actually bother to READ blogs certainly have more than enough time on your hands to REPLY my emails. And since you already have your report books with you, I don't see what's the problem, nor do I see how the "can't remember" excuse can be put to use any longer.
May I take this opportunity to ask of you, to STOP ignoring me, to STOP pretending as though you never saw those emails, those smses, to STOP hiding your scores away from me and anyone else, to STOP being so overly conscious of everything, to STOPPP thinking that what I'm doing is all crap and that you don't care two hoots about it. Because even if you don't, I do.
Hope this post doesn't evoke any hard feelings or anything. Try not to hate me as much as possible.
I'm waiting for good news.
Saturday, November 1, 2008 @ 4:38 PM ♥
Family Day Pix

@ 10:37 AM ♥
Hello everybody! :D
Anyway, on the performance day, please make sure that you have these items!
1. Eyeshadow (Any colour you want!)
2. Blusher
3. Lip Stick (Lip Gloss if you don't have Lip Stick)
4. Foundation (Liquid or Powder, doesn't matter)
! Note: If you are bringing eyeliner, make sure that you know how to use it 'cause the make up team is not going to do it for you. & Yup, personally I don't like lip gloss 'cause it's super irritating.
Oh yes, if you don't have make up, the make up team probably won't be sharing theirs with you 'cause it's really unhygienic.
Please buy your own! (It'll come in handy for GRACES haha.)
For eyeshadow, you can go to John Little or Watsons etc. John Little sells this set of eyeshadow (of 16 colours, I think) for $3.90 if I'm not wrong.
For blusher, you can be Loelle's (Some spelling like that) 'cause I find it quite nice. Haha but I use my mum's Shiseido.
Buy lip gloss 'cause if I remember correctly, it's cheaper than lip stick.
As for foundation, silky girl will do! Haha actually the brand doesn't matter. Or you can buy BB cream if you want, but it's quite ex, $20++. It's very useful though!
OHOHOH you can just go to John Little and look around :D They sell nice cosmetics there.
Haha that's 'bout it.
I'm open to further inquiries!
This is copied from the email :D